Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Both red & white currents.
Our gregarious French neighbor from down the road appeared the other day with a jar of freshly made red currant jam. She had come by earlier with some fresh red currants, but we were not in evidence. After a pleasant and lengthy discussion about many things, I asked if she still had any fresh red currants and could I try some (as this is not something we find / grow chez moi in the US). So we trotted off down the hill, colander in hand, to pick some berries. Here is a picture of the bountiful harvest ‹ chez Christiane ›, including a large lettuce, several stalks of my favorite fresh herb, tarragon, and a small bouquet of lavender flowers to put in the gîte.

With a bit of sugar, a very refreshing dessert!


  1. Wonderful! I am going to show this to my students, as they never know what cassis are :)

  2. Hi Judy!!
    These are red currants, we have a few black currants growing, probably not enough to try making my own cassis! I'll put up a picture of them. Hope you're well!
