Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Concert formidable!

There is so much going on here this time of year, it's hard to decide which activities to do. Last year we saw many ads for the Labyrinthe de la Voix (labyrinth of the voice, what a weird title!!!) a series of vocal events held over two weeks, held in Rochechouart. This year we decided to attend the opening event, a free concert held in the courtyard of the chateau; a concert by a group called 'Les Amants de Simone'. It was one of the very hot days, with the temps still around 90° when we took our seats at 9pm. Luckily the sun had dipped below the walls of the courtyard and it eventually cooled off. It was fabulous! It was a group of 5 men and 12 instruments. They wove a slight storyline in with traditional and new French songs. They were wonderful. They did 3 encores, the last two were like jazz jam sessions between 2 accordions, a violin, guitar/trumpet and piano. Incredible. The accordion and violin are wildly wonderful together and oh so FRENCH! A super evening that so exceeded our expectations.

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